How to make money with facebook page

How to make money with facebook page


How to make money with a Facebook page like YouTube, that is, there are many ways to make money, but most people do not know how to make money in these ways and there are definitely crazy ways to make money in these ways.

Now the Facebook company has released a new way to earn money on the Facebook page, as YouTube pays for the channel, so Facebook will also earn money from your page, but the thing to note here is that, as you know, YouTube has to set rules. Facebook should also set rules.

That is, I will list you some of the Facebook rules before they start paying you a lot of money.

  1. A minimum of 10k followers.
  2. A minimum of 250 weekly returning viewers.
  3. A minimum of 50K post engagements.
  4. A minimum of 180K minutes viewed.
These rules that I have listed for you are the rules that Facebook needs before they respond to your page, so make sure you follow these rules, God willing, Facebook will accept your page.

If you open your Facebook page, make sure you follow all the rules that I have shown you, then when you have reached 10k followers and other things they need, I will explain again how to apply for the page.

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