How to verify blue bagde in Facebook account

How to verify blue bagde in Facebook account

 How to verify a Facebook page or Facebook profile page by adding a blue badge easily, that is the blue badge of Facebook that you see on the pages of other people or companies that should verify their Facebook pages.

That's why in this information that I am going to tell you now, you have to stop and calm down before you can understand the information that I am going to tell you about how to verify your Facebook account.

What I want you to understand here is that this blue bag that you see on people's pages, before you do this verification, you have to face challenges before you do your own verification.

things that are required before you verify

  1. National I'd card Plastic
  2. Driver's license
  3. Passport
  4. Five Social Media account

These things that I have listed for you, you must have them before you verify your Facebook account, but if you do not have these things that I have listed, then I know that you will never be able to verify your Facebook account.

but if you have these things that I have listed for you, then I will save a video of how you can verify your Facebook account easily.

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